General Motors Financial Co. has combined its lease and loan operating systems, and will use those capabilities to “build opportunity” in 2015, Chief Operating Officer Kyle Birch told AFN. The move was a result of a prime loan pilot offered to floorplan dealers in 2014.
“We worked some bugs out, and a big part of it was that we had a separate lease and separate loan operating system,” Birch said. “So what we did over the course of early 2014 was combine those two systems.”
Now, when a customer fills out a credit application, GMF’s underwriters have the capability to give the dealer a lease approval and a loan approval at the same time, “which is pretty unique,” Birch said. GMF developed the LOS internally, replacing its previous Fiserv system. “It gives the dealer the options,” he said. “It gives the dealer the capability to talk to the customer about both products.”