
Auto Finance News‘ data and analytical tools provide an in-depth look at various sectors of the auto finance industry. Access to the data is exclusively available to Premium subscribers. Click here to subscribe today and unlock access.

Auto Loans Outstanding

Seasonally adjusted, nonrevolving consumer credit outstandings at banks, including motor vehicle loans and all other loans not included in revolving credit.

Interest Rates for Auto Loans

Aggregate Loan Rates

Interest rates for 48- and 60-month new-vehicle auto loans at commercial banks dating back to 2007.

Credit Demand and Availability

Consumer demand for auto loans compared with underwriting standards at banks.

Auto Loan Application Rejection Rate

Auto loan rejection rates from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Survey of Consumer Expectations Credit Access Survey.

Used Vehicle Values Index

Composite index measuring the wholesale prices of used, light-duty vehicle fleets in operation and inventory awaiting sale in the U.S.


Auto asset-backed securitization volume, historic and year-to-date.

Market Share Monitor

The largest financiers in five emblematic states chosen for their size and location.

Automotive, Finance & Powersports Stocks

Real-time updates and information for a selection of automotive, finance and powersports stocks.

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