Auto loan delinquency is rising. So what can you do today to improve outcomes, reduce service costs and transform collections into an effective customer service channel?
Phone or email alone is no longer the best way to reach today’s connected consumer. Orchestrating the “always-on” digital channels is now the most effective way to engage your delinquent customers and reduce your charge-offs.
Join us for “Collect Smarter: High Cure Collections in the Age of the Digital Consumer” on March 23 at 2pm ET to hear from leading collections strategist Brian Moore about how to create digital outreach that encourages past due customers to resolve their delinquency through self-service.
You’ll learn:
- How digital customer engagement strategies—like SMS text, email and outbound voice response—drive high cure rates
- Key strategies to reduce the number of delinquent customers, while improving the customer experience and loyalty
- How collections leaders have reduced costs up to 40% by offloading outbound contact attempts from the dialer to lower cost channels
Delinquency may be on the rise, but by incorporating modern, orchestrated multi-channel collections treatments lenders can stem the tide without breaking the bank. Learn how in this Webinar!
(Even if you can’t attend the live event, register and we’ll be sure to send you the recording.)