The foundation of an auto finance company ( or any company for that matter) is the employees, the more productive the employees, the greater the profit margin. One sure way to have a good foundation is to have a thorough pre-employment screening program in place, this is particularly important in any profession dealing with finances.
How is the best way to have a pre-employment program? The answer may surprise you: Outsource to a licensed private investigator who specializes in pre-employment screening, and here is why: Many states ( Florida is one) has strict laws governing the private investigation profession thus the PI is held to a higher standard than those who are not licensed, like most employment agencies. Their license allows them access to private database that are FCRA, DPPA, and HIPPA approved ( and you know how important that is) To get all the facts you need, a database search alone is not nearly enough. Your completed report should contain:
Verification of name, date of birth, and social security number.
Nationwide criminal search conducted on a FCRA approved database.
Nationwide sexual offender and predator search.
Results of civil record search in every county the applicant has lived.
DPPA driving record.
Credit activity
Verification of education and professional license
Results of interviews with current/past employers and references.
Military record verified
Seems like a lot of information that will take forever to get? Not really, this is what the investigator does best, investigate and he/she has the knowledge and resources available to get the job done usually with in 2 business days. With this type of report in hand, you can now make an informed hiring decision to build and grow the foundation of your company.
We are always available to help or answer any questions at