A web site that helps consumers with not-so-perfect credit aims to merge vehicle choices with the best lending sources in a mainly online atmosphere. DriverCredit.com’s approach to the subprime spectrum is to have shoppers begin to apply for financing online and then speak with their best-match lender to obtain a loan for the vehicle of their choosing prior to entering a dealership.
Specializing in past credit issues, bankruptcy auto loans, pre- and post-repossession loans, bad credit auto financing, and student car loans, DriverCredit.com matches shoppers with local lenders to offer a second chance in the auto financing space. When shoppers provide DriverCredit.com with their credit score and decide on an affordable monthly payment, they are then matched with lenders who call them to finish the process.
The site promises approved applicants that they will hear from lenders in their area within 72 hours. In order to qualify for financing through Driver Credit, car buyers must make at least $1,800 a month and have been employed for at least six months. According to the site, applicants will not receive interest rates until after their lender interview.
Though the process begins online, it quickly changes to a series of phone calls where the lender contacts the applicant. For most who are looking for an all-online transaction, it might sound bothersome, but to consumers with prior credit issues, it might be just what they need to get back in the game.