My name is Donovan D. Denholm, I am a skiptracer from Ohio. I started skiptracing in 1992 after I ended my active duty time with the Navy Reserves. I started my first real job at a collection agency, my brother worked there and got me a job. I was told I had to skiptrace, at first I hated it, but then I became good at it. I worked for skiptracing companies, finance companies and then repossession companies. I also volunteer time helping adoptees and birth parents reunite. I have skiptraced just about any type of account for any reason.
I love finding vehicles that have not been seen in years, especially when a third party has it or a fraud case. I find nothing more enjoyable then getting a client back a vehicle that they never thought they see again. You have to understand in 1992 we did not have databases or the internet that have made things much easier and less time consuming to skiptrace.I have been asked to teach skiptracing webinars, seminars, and continuing education for private investigators yearly licensing requirements.I have a associates degree in electronics engineering. I am working on my bachelors in computer information with a major in computer forensics. I am self taught repairing computers, building computers, and building websites. I have also written articles for the American Repossessor online magazine. I also run the RIP or Recovery Industry Professionals web site which is a web site similar to Facebook dedicated to the Recovery Industry. I can do and have done anything I put my mind to.
In 2001 I had health problems that took years to recover from, but luckily I was able to come back to International Recovery Systems which is a repossession agency in Cleveland, Ohio that has a coverage area of the complete northern half of Ohio. The company plans to expand into nationwide skiptracing, process service, private investigation, field collections, and bail bonds based on my experience and networking contacts. It will take some time to put it all together, but I have quickly be able to get new clients and increase new accounts.
If I can be of any service or have any questions, please contact me anytime.
Donovan D. Denholm