The Auto Finance Risk Summit has added another two risk gurus to its already stellar speaker faculty: Santander Consumer USA execs Graham Cameron and Jeff Sterling.
Cameron, vice president of operational and technology risk, will participate in a discussion entitled “Executive Dialogue: Defining the New Risk Challenges in Auto Finance.” The panel will address topics including evolving risk goals within the industry, the most dangerous risk threats, and success stories of recent initiatives implemented to contain risk.
Sterling, director of internal controls, will serve on the Compliance panel, getting to the heart of what’s in store from Capitol Hill. Panelists will talk about coping with regulatory uncertainty, how the Red Flags Rule is playing out, and gearing up for CFPB and continued regulator activism.
The Auto Finance Risk Summit is the premier forum for highlighting the central role risk management plays in all functions of auto lending and leasing. Visit for more information or to register for the conference, which will be held Mar. 21-22 in Dallas.