A major auto finance company has gone green — with its walls, at least. An undisclosed Atlanta-based lender has hired GSky Plant Systems Inc. to install a 1,008-square foot Versa Green Wall in its cafeteria. The custom Green Wall features 5,116 plants and is 100% self-watering.
As auto financiers strive to bolster the service they provide dealers, some companies have also made strides to improve employee satisfaction as the industry picks up speed. Last year, BMW Financial Services added a health club, a medical facility, and a break room that features TVs, Nintendo Wii, and comfy chairs in its central Ohio office space. These changes proved worthwhile as that BMW FS office was named one of the Top 5 places to work in central Ohio in 2012.
What efforts has your company made to improve the workplace? Fill us in using the comment box below.
Meanwhile, check out pictures of the GSky Green Wall at the auto finance company in Atlanta.
Photos courtesy of GSky Plant Systems.