Auto Finance Excellence — through the generous support of McGlinchey Stafford — provides members with an unparalleled opportunity to gain professional development and networking resources in this competitive industry.
Auto Finance Excellence is specifically designed to aid:
- Executives seeking operational knowledge to advance their careers
- Investors seeking benchmarks for best practices
- Executives seeking an outlet to share learnings
There is no charge to subscribe to Auto Finance Excellence. Industry executives who subscribe receive:
- Access to select content focused on specific areas, such as management, innovation, risk, and women in auto finance
- A members-only series of quarterly webinars centered on the most relevant topics in the industry
- Specialized content through a monthly email newsletter
- A monthly podcast called The Roadmap that features senior-level industry executives sharing best practices
- Opportunity to be invited to the Auto Finance Executive Breakfast Series
- Ability to submit content to the site for publication
Auto Finance Excellence is a project of Auto Finance News, since 1996 the industry’s news source of record.
Auto Finance Excellence is presented by McGlinchey Stafford, and we are grateful to them for facilitating knowledge to those ventures in the market that are most likely to fuel the industry’s future growth.
We intend for Auto Finance Excellence to not just guide industry executives, but to inspire them to greater success.
Thank you for being a part of our efforts.